Freedom and Jealousy | Teen Ink

Freedom and Jealousy

April 12, 2012
By jess27 BRONZE, Napa, California
jess27 BRONZE, Napa, California
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Don't believe everything you think."

Geese run around on the dust covered plains
Honking and flapping, blood pouring through veins
Freedom courses through their bodies
Free to enjoy their many hobbies

Sly, burnt orange foxes watch from afar
Slowly they slip closer carefully avoiding the tar
Jealous of the geese’s worry-free way
The fox crouches down ready for his prey

The animals scatter at the sound of feet
Five little kids come running through the wheat
The girls and boys played in a free-spirited way
Flapping their arms like a graceful blue jay

A man watches from his porch
His eyes burning like a well-lit torch
The sound of a gunshot ringing’s through the air
The kids run away, while he laughs in his chair

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