New Life, New World | Teen Ink

New Life, New World

April 11, 2012
By Nicoleali BRONZE, San Antonio, Texas
Nicoleali BRONZE, San Antonio, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

At an age of lost sleep, troubled nights, and endless worrying,
The anticipated moment finally came, the awaited time,
And so began the rushing, preparing, and hurrying
As they left the house to the clock’s fifth chime
The sun was setting just behind another skyline,
The car steadily sped down the roads,
And she prepared to meet another deadline
As all the stress started to unload
Welcomed with open arms, and quickly settled down,
She readied herself for bringing a new being
To be greeted by our world of great renown,
While her composure soon was fleeing
Beside her the whole time, he had started pacing
As the clock had struck six
And their hearts both started racing,
As the sound of labor had been added to the mix
And so, the time continued on, bringing new fears
Until the baby could not wait any longer;
She was born with her eyes wide open, undeterred by tears,
And, finally, as the night wore on, her cries grew stronger
Born in the hour after midnight,
She was as tiny as a fleck
It was hard to believe that a think so slight
Could grow to be more than a speck
Courageously, her mother held her close
While her father said a quick prayer,
As the baby wrinkled her nose,
And all happiness settled there
Not a day after her birth
They were headed homeward bound
As the sun sank with a wink of mirth
Across the frigid ground
Her sister, waiting to give her a tender embrace,
Was left to another’s care;
At the age of three, she stood by the staircase
And finally laid eyes on the baby, but all she could do was stare
Surrounded by her loving kin,
With nothing to be wanted,
The baby finally gave herself in
As sleep stole over her, undaunted

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