Our Saviors | Teen Ink

Our Saviors

March 23, 2012
By Makkean BRONZE, Vichy, Missouri
Makkean BRONZE, Vichy, Missouri
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Everyday Saviors

fighting for our lives

thousands of miles away

knowing you might not come back

we’re hoping you won’t stay

we’d miss you far too much

it’s a pain we couldn’t bare

saying goodbye to our ordinary lives

because you are not there

you fight for our freedom

and the lives of others

you’re our sisters and fathers

our mothers and brothers

blood seeps into the soil

of the haunted battlefield

turning the ground red

from those who won’t be healed

bullets flash and bang

screams echo out

you are all heroes

we know without a doubt

you run on no sleep

your adrenaline is pumping

metal tears your friends apart

you hear exposed hearts thumping

but throughout it all

you still continue on

fighting is your work

until the sun comes up at dawn

and when you don’t come home

your family’s cries ring out

we remember that you’re a hero

we still know without a doubt

fighting for our lives

thousands of miles away

knowing you might not come back

we’re hoping you won’t stay

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