beliefs | Teen Ink


March 18, 2012
By Rafael Gomez BRONZE, Bronx, New York
Rafael Gomez BRONZE, Bronx, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My bones may break my heart may last

those words will forever stay with me,

but why do you speak such sad words.

Why do you wish to die like me. Why

do you want me to live why do you

say you cant live with out me those

word are like a flame burning the body

burning the heart until all thats left is
ember. Burning everything in its way

until you cant even breath until you

you just feel like closing your eyes.

and thinking if i was truly gone would you

truly die. or would you forget me! and

move on are those words even true

can someone truly die for the one they

love. Can someone truly fall in love

or is it a endless cycle of confusion and pain!

what if i truly died one day and you hold on to what

you said to me would you die too.

Do you think your death will bring us together

do you really believe there's a god watching you

do you truly believe that we will meet again.

As much as i want to believe in those sayings

there's truly no one out there for you. Your on your own

from the start how you choose to live is your

choice, but we all come to the same conclusion

we die never to see each other again.

we all go threw pain we all express it in a way

whatever way it is it makes us feel better but

the only way to truly eliminate pain is to close

your eyes never to awake again. You did it you lived your life

you took sadness away but at what cost

your family they will miss you truly.

for they are the only ones who cared about you

so before you put die and leave in the same sentence remember

who is truly out there for you. remember all the faces

you left behind for a silly belief. death does not bring you to me

it pulls you farther from me.

The author's comments:
this peice is about beliefs what many people belive is also a part of my life as i wrote due to an event that happened long ago

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