Flowers | Teen Ink


March 15, 2012
By Soccer_15 BRONZE, Ormond Beach, Florida
Soccer_15 BRONZE, Ormond Beach, Florida
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Shot and Unnoticeable. It lies on the side of the hill with such beauty and grace. They are the only ones who understand it’s ok to be a wallflower in the distance. Their bright Yellow radiants catch the eyes of hikes as they walk by; even though the people don’t know their watching. The flower spectator there every move with such pose. Their Roots are Strong like mine-and can even been said to resemble a cement foundation that is suborn and set in its place. Their emotions are perfectly balance, like a level chair. There fragrance is overpowering. It reminds me of Aunt Janets deadly Cool Ice perfume. But Even with its fragrance there is a loving since of home and familiarity coming from it.
The sight of this yellow friend reminds of drive we took to La Jolla Cove, and how my dad had to stop and ask for direction like a hundred times. There position brings back the how odd they looked all by themselves on the side of the cliff. The look as if they were oddly misplaced or forgotten about. Their Color reminds me of the cool spring day with surfer jumping off cliffs there boards. Or the yummy avocado we ate in the park whiles the spring air rustles through our hair and the sun beamed down on our skin. I wasn’t observing California by myself I had my yellow sidekicks right beside observing with me.

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