I Am Secretive and Loving | Teen Ink

I Am Secretive and Loving

March 11, 2012
By GennyMF BRONZE, Bettendorf, Iowa
GennyMF BRONZE, Bettendorf, Iowa
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I am secretive and loving
I wonder why people leave other people alone to face an ominous world
I hear the soft whispers of the people who judge me
I see a world with no hatred, discrimination or prejudice
I want to achieve happiness
I am secretive and loving

I pretend that everything is all right, even though its not
I feel a brick barrier in front of my heart not letting anything break it down
I touch the rippling waves of the murky ocean full of seaweed
I worry what people will think or say of me behind my back
I cry when someone departs my life
I am secretive and loving

I understand that my parents want the best for me
I say that everything happens for a reason
I dream that everything will be okay in my life and in this world
I try to make everyone happy, even though it might not please me
I hope that I find my one true love
I am secretive and loving

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