Away from the Haze | Teen Ink

Away from the Haze

February 25, 2012
By TheSphinx BRONZE, Woodland Hills, California
TheSphinx BRONZE, Woodland Hills, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Away from the haze and circled smoke
That dulls and blurs the spectrum's hoax.
With you, the prism's gift shines like not before.

Inches away, yet away from sight.
I wish to be, as I grasp and choke,
Away from the haze and circled smoke.

And now you stand, this crystal-light
Through which all glows, as though I just awoke.
With you, the prism's gift shines like not before.

I trust that purity overcomes spite,
And thus I know you will take me, with a single stroke,
Away from the haze and circled smoke.

True eyes exist, albeit more bright
Than I imagined before. Through the clarity of new memories I evoke,
With you, the prism's gift shines like not before.

Broken circle, step out, set all alight.
Match our worlds, make it glow, change the stake.
Away from the haze and circled smoke
With you, let the prism's gift shine forevermore.

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