No Worries | Teen Ink

No Worries

April 9, 2008
By Anonymous

Childhood is not being aware of one scary care in the world.
It is as joyous as receiving a brand new Power Ranger-Warhead.
Not even mean, mocking, muttering rain can cause you to be bored,
After you learn to ignore the vicious, venomous, villains under the bed.

Girl Scouts is like the Super Bowl of a little girl’s week,
Where Red Rover, Red Rover is an adventurous thrill.
Recess-Reese’s peanut butter cups are what one seeks,
Instantly hand-delivering happiness without the burden of paying a bill.

I remember Lemon iced pound cake as my favorite thing to eat as a treat,
Which comes skipping to the table only on a wrinkle in time-birthday.
Running around constantly in bare feet,
Not caring what Quiji board-cousins have to say.

Creating fictional families with millions of baby dolls,
And having them comfort you after snapping alligators fill your nightmares.
Childhood is being covered from head to toe with scrapes from falls,
All of which are the basis to life’s future cares.

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