Hostage | Teen Ink


April 8, 2008
By Anonymous

Killing me s-l-o-w-l-y.
Rotting my brain.
The unholy ghost that lives within,
Has held my mind hostage.

His thoughts decay mine.
Shrinking my authority,
And increasing his-
He brings in his accomplices…

Tiny, but extremely Dark thoughts,
One’s that shouldn’t stream through my spirit,
Rapidly move about my body.
Punching my delicate heart, and stabbing my defeated soul.

The only way they will ever leave, is when I surrender to them.
They force me to write manically,
Furiously putting their rage into words.
Words that people believe are mine.

The words lurk at night,
Ready to plunge into my brain-
Vanquishing my logic,
I feel a vacancy within.

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