Borderline Reckless | Teen Ink

Borderline Reckless

April 8, 2008
By Anonymous

Sticky knob
Below anxiety drenched hands
Unwillingly creaks,
Releasing the captive.

Silky grass
Welcomes calloused feet,
Silencing the thudding runner
In her voyage on the Underground Railroad.

Prince Charming
Waits at the border
In his ivory horse of a Ford
To whisk the girl away.

“Jump in,
Don’t slam it.”
“Can’t wake the tyrants.”

Lights whiz by,
Then fade in the distance
As restrictions are absent mindedly
Magnetized to skyscrapers,
Forgotten on their refrigerator doors
For one unperturbed night.

“Slow down,
Park here.
Oh Lord, it’s gorgeous.”

Fireflies dance
On a floor of emerald,
A slow serenade
In front of love struck eyes.

Warm breeze
Blows the two hearts together,
Melding them with summer’s heat.

If only to stay like this forever,
A summer love so pure,
Lost in each other’s innocence.

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