Echo | Teen Ink


April 8, 2008
By Anonymous

Clouds rolling down planes of existence.
Hymns rising like cliffs,
over the chaos below.
Collective and stern souls revolting against fate,
raising arms against their regime.

Each with their own guardian deity,
raging into battle to end the chaos,
Emanating from the depths of illusion.
A new hope has purged into the spirits,
of those on the frontlines.

All of the fires have ceased
and the ashes of hope are here
to rekindle the radiance of the light
A beach of impurities is washed away
by the might of the river.

River of redemption flowing vibrantly,
Receding wholly into the aqueduct of the mind
Directed to immerse the fear of pain and regret,
Wholly broken down and swallowed.
Every deceit is absolved by its waters.

Each person carries their own vindication
And give their families a late valediction.
As they race to the frontlines of war
to protect their will and iron
In order to end all vendettas.

Echo footsteps in the sky,
covering the lonely and forgotten,
breaking the desolation in two.
People running using the gallant light,
as stepping stones to an occult reality.

Thunder tearing through the horizon,
eclipsing the sorrow of a past life.
Sparrow sitting in a willow tree,
orchestrating a eulogy,
for the fading tragedy.

Men and women lit like fire flies.
Flying to the place of new beginning,
flowing with the rhythm’s sway,
and caressing the banks of destiny.
All is a mystic mist in the Heavens.

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