My Lost Brother | Teen Ink

My Lost Brother

April 8, 2008
By Anonymous

I remember the night, a night long gone,
The night you came forth, from my birth mom,
Hardly two years of life under my belt,
I remember the pain and fear that I felt,
Hearing the painful cries from the mom that I loved,
I remember her friend’s shouts amidst all the blood,

I don’t think I could talk but I know what I heard,
In my mind I still remember the same exact words,
Odd I do not remember what happened next,
At that age how could I have known about meth,
The signs were all there our poverty clear,
Thank god our lives with our mom would end there,
Years have gone by since that dreadful night,
As this as the only memory of you in my life,
You were adopted, me given back to her,
For me life was bound to get much worse,
Born full of meth, life must be simple for you,
I don’t even think you can tie your own shoe,
The meth in your system had messed with your brain,
The fact of your mental retardation drives me insane,
Whenever I speak of you I will always remember,
When my mom gave birth to my lost brother,

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