I Think We All Have Times Where We All Suffer | Teen Ink

I Think We All Have Times Where We All Suffer

April 7, 2008
By Anonymous

I think we all have times where we all suffer and drown in doubt; sometimes there are moments where we think we are not in a world where everyone has blemishes or mistakes.

We are all different but we are not perfect, we think that we can fix everything and endulge in whatever it takes.

We think it's not fair that we have imperfections and that we need to change to be a doppleganger of someone else. We think that our brains, bodies, or aspects of our lives need to be different.

We all need to believe of what we can acomplish and achieve. We should be ourselves and not care what people think. To ourselves, our minds are not reverent.

In times where we feel such anguish or shame,
we need to remember even the smallest amount of amusement or joy that we have experienced.

We need to hang on to the future and what it can become, not assume that things can get worse. In our mind we can not be sentenced.

Even Superman has his own kyptonite.

Our kryptonite is ourselves.

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