Mama, Tell Me | Teen Ink

Mama, Tell Me

March 10, 2008
By Anonymous

Mama tell me why is the sky blue?
Honey, go ask your dad.
Papa, tell me how to tie my shoe.
Sweetie, you're making pa mad.
Sister, tell me, why does pa always leave?
You're annoying, get out of my room.
Brother, tell me, what I should believe?
Leave now, or you'll be doomed!

Mama, tell me, do you believe in God?
Honey, not now. I'm busy.
Papa, tell me, can I have a dog?
Honey, go ask your sister, Lizzie.
Sister, tell me, why does ma not take us to church?
I don't no. You're such a pest.
Brother, tell me, have you ever been hurt?
Later. I need some rest.

No one listens to me.
No one gives me an answer.
They won't let me be an astronaut.
They won't let me be a dancer.
They're too busy for love.
They're too busy for me.
Sometimes I just want to leave.
I'm always neglected.
I'm a voice unheard.
My ideas are rejected.
I speak with silent words.

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