When You Fall in Love | Teen Ink

When You Fall in Love

March 10, 2008
By Anonymous

When you fall in love, its the most wonder fullest feeling ever.
& you just don't wanna give up anything for that special feeling.
You'll do anything to have that feeling forever.
& yet some peoples may have that feeling with them forever while
others haven't felt it before.
So cherish what you had or got because you'll never know
whats going to happen the next day.
Even the strongest person might break down when it comes to love.
Love is the most strongest thing ever. It could even save a person's life or end one's.
So love like you never loved before for that special someone because someday that person would understand how you feel about them.
Even if there's no one there, you still have your friends to always be there & help you get back up on you're feet again.
But hey, it might take a while.
& your friends will be there to help you along the way because they care for you.

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