First the Rain | Teen Ink

First the Rain

March 10, 2008
By Anonymous

first the rain
then the thunder
lightening strikes land,
making the world wonder

it was just a short drive
nobody expected the worse
just like a perfect song
with one bad verse

storm covers the land
rain wont stop
tornado forms
out of the sky it will drop

why didnt you buckle up
a small choice we all make
but when he hit the semi
its what caused you to never wake

unity forms from the disaster
everyone helping their neighbor
buldings being rebuilt
everyone gives in to labor

candlelight ceremony held for you
everyone came on your behalf
we all cried as we all remembered
sharing memories that made us laugh.

people cried for days,
their belongings destroyed
although it was heartbreaking
the time together is what they enjoyed

every face red from tears
you were only sixteen
the grief was equal in everyone,
such a heartbreaking scene

never forgotten,
memory will remain,
the pain from these tragedies
is something we can never explain

but like both storm and loss
we will rebuild
see you in heaven
your life's meaning already been fulfilled

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