I Believe in the Power of Communication | Teen Ink

I Believe in the Power of Communication

March 10, 2008
By Anonymous

I believe in the power of communication
The ability to talk about your feelings
The opportunity to cry it out
The ability to listen, and understand
The way of looking through eachother's eyes
Peace, understanding, results

But I don't believe in war, or guns, or that nothing can be worked out

I believe in love
I believe that some people we think we can trust stab us in the back or face,
but the people who really care for you don't carry knives
I believe that life isn't fair at times
Live, laugh, love, get over it, don't hold grudges

I believe in the fact that we all are struggling at one point or another but we are all in this together and we can face this world together (as cheesy as it sounds)

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