Freshly Cut Red Roses Rest in the Vase | Teen Ink

Freshly Cut Red Roses Rest in the Vase

March 10, 2008
By Anonymous

Freshly cut red roses rest in the vase.
Velvet red petals with prickling thorns take shape;
the tiny buds conceal new flowers.
The dark green leaves are filled
with life.

Sunlight shines as the flowers bloom:
unfolding, growing, showing new life.
Layers of crimson petals emerge-
slowly, but surely- reaching out gingerly towards
the sun.

Short days later,the flowers are in full bloom
and they remain in the vase
being seen and admired by many,
but by sunset the rose loses strength; it begins its
sad journey to the end.

The petals become darker with age.
The sweet aroma turns sour.
The leaves crinkle, cripple and drop
off of the dying plant as
the rose's short life ends.

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