My alltime desire | Teen Ink

My alltime desire

January 17, 2012
By MannuSharma PLATINUM, Sonepat, Other
MannuSharma PLATINUM, Sonepat, Other
23 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
never give up

i hope, animals should speak.
i hope, animals should sneak.
i hope,dogs should walk.
i hope, miser should give treat.
'cause that's my all time all time desire.

I hope,trees should walk.
I hope,frogs should laugh.
i hope,the cowards should be brave.
i hope,the plants should talk.
'cause that's my all time desire.

I hope sun should take a bath.
I hope,devils should have faith.
i hope there should be no math.
i hope,there should be fire in my breath.
'cause that's my all time desire.

I hope,there should be river of chocolate.
I hope,there should be loving schoolmate.
i hope,there should be no fine on being late.
I hope,all the persons in our country should be great.
'cause that's my all time desire.

I hope, that we should have wings.
i hope,that lion should sing.
i hope that clothes should get automatically get washed.
I hope,that elephants should have springs.
'cause that's all my all time desire.

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