A friend | Teen Ink

A friend

January 17, 2012
By MannuSharma PLATINUM, Sonepat, Other
MannuSharma PLATINUM, Sonepat, Other
23 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
never give up

A good friend is our need,
A good friend is like a deed,
But when a friend is deceased.
It hurts us like an incomplete need.

A good friend tell us what is right or wrong.
A good friend tell us how to sing a song.
A good friend tell us how sweet you are.
A good friend also tell us that you like a scar.

A good friend makes right way for us.
A good friend doesn't make the matter a fuss.
A good friend always take care of us.
A good friend says "tell truth to us".

IT doesn't matter that friend is he or she.
IT is good if heshe can make you say "woo-wee".
I also wants to be a good friend of someone.
But i don't know that he or she will be he or she.

The author's comments:
A friend is a gift given to everyone by god.It is the most valuable and precious bond in life that is called friendship

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