The Butterfly | Teen Ink

The Butterfly

March 9, 2008
By Anonymous

I have a name-tag you know―
See, right there!
It’s perfect, both in English and Latin
― It’s me!
Now, now,
There’s no need to stare.
Move along,
There are plenty more exhibits,
Although I know I must be fascinating.

― Who wouldn’t find something

Trapped behind a wall of glass

And put up for display

Completely and utterly


― Or no, I meant interesting.
Yes, that’s the right word,
Because how can I forget:
No one feels sorry
To the same degree as an empathetic embrace
― Which we all know can’t happen through glass.

That’s right,
Continue walking.
Go and amuse yourselves
By staring at the other specimen;
You’ll have forgotten about me by tomorrow

― And don’t worry,
I know that you can’t hear me.

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