I Mean This With All My Heart | Teen Ink

I Mean This With All My Heart

March 9, 2008
By Anonymous

Cliché and overused,
Misinformed and annoying,
“The Heart is the centre of emotion.”
It is used to describe what can be described better
Without its use:
“This is coming from the heart”
Is better left as
“I mean this truly and sincerely”
“My heart is breaking”
Is better stated otherwise
― Or should I go find the defibrillator?
Even the poets who pride themselves on their insight are guilty of it.
Are we all really so unoriginal
That we can’t say something different?
So accustomed to a phrase that it’s now in our nature to use it?
I would be one to argue against it,
But the masses are fighting to disprove
Even that little drop of creativity left.
Conformity is agreement
For the most part, peacefully
― Peace being what we all want
From the bottom of our hearts;
So why argue
When it is unfortunately
So deeply manifested?

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