I Gaze Upon the Terror... | Teen Ink

I Gaze Upon the Terror...

March 8, 2008
By Anonymous

I gaze upon the terror that has lied beneath me.
Dirt and blood stain the soles of my feet.
While rocks bury themselves between my toes.
I survived the worst which has yet to come.
Making me believe that confidence is just an expression.
Weakness takes over me.
Leaving my helpless body bare, and torn on the earth.
I see myself, with pity I turn away.
My bare body then fears laughter.
But don't we all?
Scraped and bruised.
I lay helpless dreaming of death and sunflowers.
My body can't move.
I am part of earth now.
Roots wrapping my whole body.
Until my last breath leaves me.
Mother nature has spoken,
And yes she is waiting for the next person to fall.

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