Reverse | Teen Ink


March 7, 2008
By Anonymous

In our hearts and minds and souls we know
we need it,
we need more than this.

So much pain scrawled in the souls of society.
Clean it up,
squeeze it behind a mask,
and plaster a smile on top.
Waltz through your masquerade ball of life pretending you’re free from anxiety.
What problem?

We need it,
we need more than this.

So many superficial lies shoved inside the innocent eyes and ears of our youth.
Transform your opinions,
your appearance,
your decisions,
with no looking back.
Continue living your lie of a life, murmuring to yourself that what you now believe is truth.
What problem?

We need it,
we need more than this.

So much hate engraved in the hearts of the human race.
Stab your neighbor
and lose no sleep,
after all he struck you first.
Carry on with this lack of a conscience and set off on a new chase.

How will you reverse this downfall?
How will you initiate change?
Or was that hushed rumor true:
Do you really not care?

We need it,
we need more than this.

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