If Love... | Teen Ink

If Love...

March 7, 2008
By Anonymous

If love can change the world
Why hasn't it done its deed?
Too many people dying
Just for privacy

If love can purify an ocean
Why hasn't it shown that things
Can have a special light inside
That everyone should see

If love can move mountains
And maybe stop the rain
Couldn't we finally use love
To help prevent the pain?

And as our fellow human beings
Walk with rips within their hearts
Are we willing to use our love
To help them mend those parts

Could we help a stranger, without love
Crying in the rain
Just by handing them an umbrella
To try to save their day

Instead of using ifs,
Woulds, ares, and coulds
We should start using love
In ways we always should

Simple things that we never thought
That would help to do the deed
Are the ones that make the biggest

Even if they're smaller than a seed

So don't put it off by saying,
"I'll do it another day"
But we should do it now and forever
Beginning a world of new says

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