You Are My Problem | Teen Ink

You Are My Problem

September 25, 2007
By Anonymous

I live in the real world
And am fortunate enough
My needs and wants fulfilled
Blessed with family and virtues

Things are so perfect on exterior
A simple, good- looking life
Adorable house and atmosphere
You wouldn’t dare find a fault here

Perfection is far from my reality
I have a problem, a secret morose
Hidden in sanctuary of family close
My problem is one woman nameless

Nameless for you; I know her well
She is my problem, my share of hell
Sick and eccentric, she makes me cry
Because she is mad, and that is that

Inside her, there are two souls apart
One I love, that loves me back
One I hate, for which I blame fate
You can never understand her

She tells me that in my life
Love should mean nothing
I must care for else no one
And lose my heart to none

She tells me she has been betrayed
Betrayed by people of her family
Its better to have no relations or bonds
For she says they get you nowhere

She has made me to hate myself
She wants me to hate my own people
She wants me to worship her throne
To be like her, insane and alone

I pity her family, I really do
She has caused so much sting
She repeatedly has hurt them
Ones who cared for her the most

She asks me, “What is your problem?”
She is brought so much pain and problem
I say,“Is it so hard to understand, lady?”
“You are my problem, exclusively you.”

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