I Was There | Teen Ink

I Was There

September 24, 2007
By Anonymous

Once upon a time
The world ended
And I was there.
There was neither fire
Nor ice
Nor screams of despair.
But there was silence
And darkness
Which was somehow enough
To kill the hope for rebirth,
To kill the hope for new life.
I stood as if
From a distance,
Screaming with out sound
And crying without tears.
My body wished to turn away
But there was silence,
And darkness
No matter were I looked.
Inescapable darkness
Unequivocal silence.
They trapped me
With the feeling of death
And dying prevailing
In that last patch of life
In the grass beneath my feet
And the soul within myself.
Once upon a time
The world ended.
And I was there.
But then I wasn’t

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