Winter Wonderland | Teen Ink

Winter Wonderland

September 24, 2007
By Anonymous

Sleeping in my cozy, Egyptian cotton sheets on this freezing, winter day
In my warm, toasty, flannel pajamas
About to wake up and get ready for another ordinary day of school
“Snow day,” my brother yells, unexpectedly
A big smile suddenly rises on my warm face
I run outside, barefoot, and feel the crisp, white snow in-between my toes
I come across icicles forming on the tips of the brittle tree branches
Children making snowmen
I sprint up my stairs, throw on my warmest clothes, and go back outside
Friends come over and we make snow angles and have snow ball fights
Our noses are red, as a bouquet of roses and our toes are frozen, as ice
I feel a cold, chilly breeze
My mom calls, “Laurena, come inside”
Hot, soothing cocoa waiting on the mahogany table

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