Boulevards | Teen Ink


September 22, 2007
By Anonymous

Surrounded with this feeling of wrong.

Can you feel it? The staring.

Can you hear it? All the muttering.

What did you do?

An unholy act to decapitate a rose.

Destroy the face of Beauty.

Hands aren't so innocent now.

Covered in blood of betrayel.

Count to ten.

Things will never be the same.

The rumor tells it's secrets to the moon.

Take a step back.

Look at this fall of lust.

Covered in blood of betrayel.

Burry yourself alive to be forgiven.

It will never change a thing.

Come again to the place where we fell apart.

You can never touch again.

Love is no rage of lust.

Put the pieces back.

Keep on pretending it was passion.

Can you hear me?

I'm coming for you.

Here I am, covered in your lust.

This lifeless Rose.

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