We Wear Masks | Teen Ink

We Wear Masks

May 6, 2008
By Anonymous

We wear masks
that pretend and lie.
it hides our bleeding hearts
w/ a gentle smile.

people wear masks,
to cover their problems,
despair, and anger.
It's a sense of humanity
to give joy
to the people around you,
and not spread troubles.
for they have troubles
enough of their own.
we smile, to protect our hearts.
from being hurt and torn apart,
more from what they've done.
The thought of this makes me cry,
for i also do the same.
but i asked myself.
why do we do wear these masks?
to suffer more w/ tears and sighs?
i cannot truly understand
why i should be wearing this.
so when i fell asleep,
the feeling of being angry ,
hurt, and happy
is kept inside of me.

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