Facing Reality | Teen Ink

Facing Reality

May 5, 2008
By Anonymous

The eyes of stars,
The smile of the sun,
The tiny hands of bliss.
All of it made me grin,
Made me tingly and warm inside.

A happy gurgle,
A delighted laugh,
A squeal of joy.
All of it made me want to giggle along,
To be amazed of a child’s happiness.

Yet I couldn’t;
I couldn’t laugh,
I couldn’t smile.
I couldn’t give in
To the wonders of life.

Then again,
How could I?
I was a teenager.
A teenager ready to enter through the gates of life.
Someone who was supposed to face reality.

What was reality?
Was it a child’s imagination,
Or an adult’s agenda?

I would never know,
Never understand,
Until I look into my own heart,
And smile.

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