heros journey | Teen Ink

heros journey

January 27, 2012
By Anonymous

Cortland, there was a small village full of men, women and children. The village had a king and his name was Garvin. One of Garvin’s laws for that village was that if you leave the village you may never return and a hit man will be sent after you to kill you. Everybody obeyed that law until crystals little brother went missing. She looked for him everywhere in the village and he was nowhere to be found. After not finding him she realized what she had to do, so she goes to the king and asks his permission to leave the village. He denies her request and tells her to stay for her own good. she does not listen and leaves the village immediately cause her little brother means everything to her.
Unfortunately the next closet village was 5000 miles away and the only thing in-between villages were woods. Crystal starts on her journey and after walking for about ten minutes’ and she hears something behind her. She turns around and finds her best friend Flynn following behind her. He demanded that he was going with her and will always be by her side. So they set off further into the woods together and after a day of walking they stop and find a place to rest for the night.
They awaken the next morning to clouds covering the sky. They continue their journey right away. Soon later they arrive at a place that looked like some sort of chamber. Seeing no entrance besides windows they decided how they shall get in. with a rock, they broke one of the windows and climbed in. surrounding them were min cells full of helpless children. They walked the halls till they saw her little brother. Crystal pulled a mini pocket knife out of her pocket and messes with the lock. It opens and her brother comes free. Three guards walk up and Flynn pulls out his sword and kills all three of the guards. All three of them quickly climb out of the window and run into the woods.
With nowhere to go they decide that they will find a new village to live in. after awhile of walking night comes and they find a place in the woods they could rest at. Realizing they were hungry, Flynn and crystals little brother set off in the woods looking for food with the sword and the pocket knife, leaving crystal with nothing. Ten minutes go by while crystal is sitting there waiting for them to come back. She hears a noise and looks over and sees an unfamiliar man. He says he has come to kill her for leaving the village. Before she could even get up he stabs her and she falls to the ground. Flynn heard her screams so he snuck up behind the man and stabs him until he fell till the ground. Lying there helplessly was crystal and the hit man, both dead.
Flynn and crystals little brother carries her until they come upon the next village. They arrive and the villagers accept them and invite them in and tell them that they may stay there as long as they please. Both boys walk in with everyone crowding them and asking them what happened, so the two boys told them the story of crystal and how she was their hero.

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