My Faith In God | Teen Ink

My Faith In God

May 5, 2008
By Anonymous

Everyday I wake up,
Knowing that He touched me,
When I observe that nothing is wrong with me,
It helps me believe,
That He’s there,
Whenever I have a an obstacle, I call on His name,
Perceiving that He forgave my sins,
I should have no shame
If I think He takes too long to answer me,
I might feel like that He cannot hear me,
But He hears me very clearly,
I may think that He is distant from me,
But I should have a stronger belief

He may not come in my time,
But what should I do while I wait?
Why should I be impatient?
Hasn’t he done so many things for me?
So in all those times that I cried about an issue,
He’s there to comfort me, guide me, and be my tissue
His grace is upon me,
That is why you see me today.
If it wasn’t for him
Where would I be?

I love Him and I trust Him with all my soul and all my heart,
And I know that His love is so impressive,
That it can’t be captured by art,
I have a relationship with Him,
There is no one that could replace Him,
I could pray to Him,
I could sing a beautiful hymn,
Because I know,
That I believe in Him.

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