The Soldier | Teen Ink

The Soldier

May 4, 2008
By Anonymous

The soldier is poised on the front line
Childhood memories dance through his mind

He reminisces on joyful distant times
You can even see the joy in his eyes

But upon his somber, distraught face
Is a pain that in no way can be erased

The void of his family, that is so far away
That he may not be able to see another day

Rat a tat tat tat
Now there’s no looking back
What could it be? Yes, that light hum
It is the strum of a war drum

Though the morning is calm, crisp, and clear
It has an aura of darkness and a light air of fear

The soldier then remembers his happier years
And in his tense blue eyes forms a sorrowful tear

But tears he has no time for, no he mustn’t show pain
He is strong and courageous, in this army that is his fame

So a single tear may heave dirt on his name
But he has come to far to be put to shame!

Rat a tat tat tat
The sky is war black
These drums say don’t run
These drums are war drums

He cocks his weapon and then looks to the sky
He doesn’t speak verbally, but speaks rather with his eyes
They seem to say “My God if today I do die
Then take care of my family and bless the rest of their lives”

He then turns to his enemy and breaks towards them in a run
And says “Today you go down for, you’ve beat the wrong war drum!”

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