Teeny Tiny Tutus (a tounge twister) | Teen Ink

Teeny Tiny Tutus (a tounge twister)

July 7, 2008
By Anonymous

Teeny, tiny Tina
Had two too teeny, tiny tutu’s
And a tiny, teeny teen, Tillie
Had two tiny tutu’s too
But Tina’s tiny tutu’s topped
Tillie’s teeny two tutus
But Tillie’s two tutu’s
Topped Tara’s two tiny tutu’s
If Tillie’s tutu’s topped Tara’s tutu’s
Then Tina’s tiny tutu’s topped Tara’s tutus too
Tara’s tutus weren’t teeny, tiny
Tara’s tutus were too tremendous
The too tremendous tutus,
Toppled to the tiles
And Tara talked to Tina
To get a teeny, tiny tutu too
Now Tara’s teeny, tiny tutu
Topped Tillie’s tutu too

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