Lifeless Brown Dirt | Teen Ink

Lifeless Brown Dirt

July 2, 2008
By Anonymous

the ridge crumbles at my big toe, i stop- i'm balancing on the black rubber of my shoe. taking a quick glance behind me, i step forward. i fall - i'm mid-air floating on the unpredictable current, not soaring, but floating, in the midst of an almost bottomless valley. mother nature doesn't catch me, survival is out of reach. i tremble - i was fine standing on my feet, supported by lifeless brown dirt, now i'm floating, terrified of the uncertainty of the winds. i awake - land was boring and slow, now i am among eccentricity and risk, but i am ever-falling and unsure, sometimes supported by clouds of air others accelerating into nothingness. i struggle - but this struggle keeps me my spirit alive,

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