Act I | Teen Ink

Act I

July 1, 2008
By Anonymous

Act I, Scene I.
Stage is set outside,
On a grassy lawn or hill
A girl is by herself
And is sitting very still
A destroyed dandelion lays at her side
The girl pays it no mind
The beautiful sun is setting
It casts shadows upon her shrine

Act I, Scene II.
In this scene, the girl is not alone
She is accompanied by a man
The girl’s face looks abnormally happy
As the guy takes her hand
It looks as though her sadness was erased
In such a short period of time
Her smile seems to light up her face
She doesn’t know what the man has in mind

Act I, Scene III.
All is dark and gloomy
To set the mood for such a loss
The girl was left by the man she loved
Her emotions were all tossed
He hadn’t loved her, not at all
She wished she had seen it coming
Then, maybe, she could have prevented the fall
Before it started, she would have ended the fling

Act I, Scene IV.
Stage is set outside,
On a grassy lawn or hill
A girl is by herself
And is sitting very still
A destroyed dandelion lays at her side
The girl pays it no mind
The beautiful sun is setting
It casts shadows upon her shrine

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