In my life | Teen Ink

In my life

January 8, 2012
By MannuSharma PLATINUM, Sonepat, Other
MannuSharma PLATINUM, Sonepat, Other
23 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
never give up

So many times in my life,i always want to know.
The silly people in my dream,where they come from and go.
So many times in my life,i have experienced,
Something very unusual i have sensed.
So many times in my dream,When i went to a stream,
Then the water slowly-slowly shines and gleams.
So many times in my house,when i go to study.
Then suddenly i hear that "how's all going buddy".

I am tired of walking in the sleep.
When i was walking,i fell in the garbage's heap.
Sometimes i think that my voice has changed into beep.
It is my only secret so try it to keep.

Time always taught me that how weak you are,
You have walked so less while you have to run so far.
Time is my teacher and time is my lord
How can i handle,please tell me my god.

Everyone experiences bad time in their life.
I have also experienced something very bad in my life.
I was chopped and being cutted by a knife.
Don't think that it is a silly tale.
When you will experience it,your face will go pale.

I am a hen and i also have life.
And the person who was cutting me was your wife.
Now you will think that how i said all these.
If you want to listen then sit tight and just go freeze.
I have my heart,my own heart and my own life.
I have hands to write all these and don't think that i am blind.

My own feeling helped me to write all these.
After reading this,don't cut me please.
If you are hungry then eat something else.
Eat the fresh vegetables and ring the natures bell.
I am like a toy that sing and dance.
Without batteries, doing all these no chance.

I have taught and experienced my feelings to you.
Now i hope that you should follow it too.
Why all humans just quarrels all the time.
Do they thinks that they are the superiors or the prime.
Come close to nature and follow the rule of wild.
Stay away from the animals 'cause thy are not so mild.
If you want to survive here then kill the others.
Beware here because here,no one is your brother.
Something like this,you all are going to be.
Doing all these your world can lead to destruction,why can't you see.

The author's comments:
This is an imaginary hen's story that teaches a lot.

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