I Never Said a Word | Teen Ink

I Never Said a Word

May 2, 2008
By Anonymous

I clench my teeth
As I close my eyes
As the fight rings on
They snap and they growl like
Two caged lions
My parents
Uncaring who's watching or listening
And it finally gets to the point
Where I can't take it anymore
So I climb out the window
And walk the streets
Coming across the park
You used
To take me to
The rain begins to fall
Crashing on pavement
As mud forms and
Soggy sand clings to the rim of its box
A wet swing waits
So I sit
As the sins I've gathered
Over the years
Not speaking up and
Putting it to and end
Gather in my heart
To the point
Where I can't hold it in anymore
And I cry tears
That surely must be black

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