Two Worlds, a Sestina | Teen Ink

Two Worlds, a Sestina

May 2, 2008
By Anonymous

She blinked her blue eyes as another layer of midnight black
Mascara coated the great lengths of her long lashes.
The vibrant, shiny, thick lacquer that glossed over her red
Lips aged the innocence of her face.
It was as if she was in a separate world,
One in which she was privileged to escape to, like a dream.

She began to move gracefully down the runway as the dreamy
Chiffon of the long gown she wore fluttered and its black
Color contrasted deeply with the bright white world
Around her. The coruscating flashes of the cameras made her midnight black lashes
Blink as she took each pounding step on the catwalk. The expression on her face
Was strong and confident and the pout on her lips shined, ruby red.

She felt on top of the world as she stepped outside the door with the exit sign labeled in red.
Another show, another experience, another dream
That she never imagined she would face.
As she pulled away from the venue in the back of a black
Town car, headed for the airport, a tear fell from her midnight black lashes
At the realization that she needed to temporarily leave this world.

As the plane touched down she entered her second world.
A world where textbooks replaced Vogue and red
Lipstick was forgotten. A world where those midnight black lashes
Close as she nods into a dream
In between studying. A world so black
And white. A world that brought about unique challenges to face.

She liked both worlds, fitting into each one like a glove fits a hand. Blinking those midnight black lashes
In each world. Smiling at the experiences she faces
In each world. Always dreaming
In each world.
Always moving in each world, like a red
Convertible moves across the blacktop.

She once again bats those midnight black lashes, as she switches from world
To world. Her rosy cheeks brighten her face with cheerful red
And her mind dreams of what the two worlds hold and the escape that each one brings. Her world is colored white and black.

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