Tuesday Once Again | Teen Ink

Tuesday Once Again

May 1, 2008
By Anonymous

It’s Tuesday and I can’t wait to get home
Run, run, run, as I pass the slow zone

Time’s running out as my feet kept moving
Everything is a blur except for my running

I head for the steps as my front porch arrive
Shutting the door as my body’s inside

I suddenly collapsed and caught up my breath
But stood up again as my head screamed, “Not yet!”

Pumping up the music as I threw my bag down
The melody sprang high as I put on a crown

Dancing wildly with my arms stretch apart
Just like a pop star, I sing from the heart

No one is listening and no one, I bet, really care
That on top of my head laid an underwear

My hair is messy and my boom box is screaming
But what the heck it’s just me that I am being

Dancing and jumping like there’s no tomorrow
Singing and screaming proudly without sorrow

It’s Tuesday and I do what I wish and wish what I like
Despite what people think because I am my own mind

My life flies by and is never gray
But what can you say, everyday is crazy Tuesday

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