At World's End and Barefoot Dancing Beauty | Teen Ink

At World's End and Barefoot Dancing Beauty

May 1, 2008
By Anonymous

as the world meets its end,
my last wish would be
to watch it dissolve,
while i sit on a shore
where waves meet sand.
I want to clost my eyes
and feel the breeze one last time
before the sun turns grey,
like the breath of you
blowing out a candle
then gently kissing me away.

i need to hear disaster,
and feel power leaving the sky
as it opens to fall apart.
Then we float away into nothgin
and dissapear...
like buried treasure,
lost and forgotten.

All at one time,
as a vase hitting a wall,
the earth will shatter,
the oceans will pour,
and we so little

you and i

are no more.

im a barefoot dancing beauty.

barefeet feel good on the soft green grass.
shoes itch and pull and wear on my skin.
just don't walk in rocks and all is good.

dancing frees the soul,
everyone should try it sometime.
but they don't and its a shame.
they call me weak, but i am strong.

beauty is a state of mind,
my state of mind says i am so.
but his state of mind says otherwise.
i don't listen...

and i dont care because,

i walk in barefeet where i belong,
i dance because it feels good,
and i have beauty when they are blind.

i am smart,
i am strong,
i am independent.

kiss me love,

for i am your barefoot dancing beauty.

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