It's a Twisted Little Thing | Teen Ink

It's a Twisted Little Thing

May 1, 2008
By Anonymous

It's a twisted little thing
being twisted little me
i run and hide and scare you
all the while laughing, with twisted little glee

Half the time i can't understand
this twisted little world
and half the time i'm the reason
this worlds a little twisted

Can yoiu grasp my twisted little rhythm
or perhaps you need a little more time
I'm a twisted little creature, it's true
and i have a perfectly twisted way, to prove it to you

First, i'll bring you to my dark layer
hidden inside this twisted tree
are you ready for the rest
'cuz this is a twisted story

I'll slowly lead you outside
to stare up at my favorite twisted sky
you'll scream in fright when the moon turns to give you a twisted little smile

Next, we walk a little while
dancing in teh raindrops, awaiting the sun, but the sun will not come
for twisted little me ruins that fun

I'm the twisted little rainbow
i have a beautiful twisted smile
and my length runs not to long
only about a twisted little mile

I'm the twisted black rainbow up in the sky, the one most see before they say goodbye to this world, and hello to the next, it's said look at me and you'll be vexed

I'm the one twisted rainbow
among the many straight
I smile when your tortured
how do you think i was made

I'm a little twisted,because of the world, so in turn i twist a little back
I'm covered in thorns, and not very pretty just a twisted little rainbow, all covered in black.

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