I Close My Eyes | Teen Ink

I Close My Eyes

May 1, 2008
By Anonymous

I close my eyes to end the pain
Unbearable pain that remains the same
Only the same pain that remained the same
tempted me to slit my veins
Fragile veins I tried to cut but didn't end the pain that much

Terrible strife that still remained only brought tears to my eyes insane
My eyes puffy and now swollen I sigh as I try
I try to realize and accept that this is my destiny
My destiny to cry......

My destiny? Whose Destiny?

My destiny to cry...

The tables have turned tremendously

Tremendously they've turned on me

But not that much you see

Depression. Oh! How greatly it weighs on me

Bringing me down while losing my crown

A conqueror to whom

A conqueror to me I see that you love to see when Im going through

Stumbling and dragging to the ground crying and frowning too

Trying to end the heartache and pain

But my tears will remain to be bloodstains

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