Darkness | Teen Ink


May 1, 2008
By Anonymous

The house is quiet late at night
I take a step outside
And then another
And another

I take in the night sky
The darkness
The raindrops falling onto the pavement
The world is sleeping
Everyone is at peace

Wandering in their dreams
Reaching out to their wishes
Running away from reality
Completely forgetting the troubled world
In which they live

They search for their own paradise
Away from all the contamination
Away from the focus on disaster
Away from the war and the hate
Searching for serenity, for harmony

I feel as if just by standing there
Observing my surroundings
I am intruding on something personal
The one time in someone’s life where
They are most vulnerable

I take a step
And another
And then another
And gently close the door behind me

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