She's in Love with You | Teen Ink

She's in Love with You

April 30, 2008
By Anonymous

There's this girl I know
She's in love with you
She sits behind this curtained wall
Hiding behind another guy
She don't know how to say it
But she can't live without you
You make her heart whole
But supposedly you got another girl
She's got a book of poetry
All about her love for you
Sometimes she thinks you're blind
'Cause you can't comprehend her love for you
you think you know her
But you only see the front of the wall
You don't see her pain, loving or caring side
You only see what's in front of you
Behind the wall is where she blocks out all her life
Why can't you just understand
She's In Love With You!

You see her everyday
You always say hi
But you don't understnd what she feels inside when you say what you say
You say hi, but all she hears is he rainbow of love pointing straight at her
Destroying her cause she can't have you
She's always near you if you look around
You see her red hair shining in the sun
You know her handwriting, It's very clear
You observe her and so does she
People say you love her, Maybe that's true
Just know for always
She's In Love With You!

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