Everyday I Wake Up | Teen Ink

Everyday I Wake Up

April 30, 2008
By Anonymous

Everyday I wake up

You are the first thing I think of

I never knew I was about to fall in love.

I was in awe of the person standing before me

You always made sure I knew you adored me

Whenever I was in fear,

It was you who was there to wipe my tears away.

I feared the last time I was with you

That it would be our last

All I know now

Is that I will never let go of our past.

And even though you are gone now

I still have our memories

Those always give me peace.

That day you left to fight for our country

Was the day you told me you loved me.

I know your okay up there,

Looking down on me

And when you died a hero,

Heaven gained one more angel.

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