I Am From | Teen Ink

I Am From

April 30, 2008
By Anonymous

I am From the color pink.
From hair spray and sunsets.
I am from the sound of laughter,
It's as soothing as a hot cup of tea.
I am From pink roses and black eyed susans,
christmas mornings and family adventures,
From thomas and maureen.
I am from crazy and fun filled days.
From "just call me Tom"
From "If you dont have anything nice to say dont say anything at all"
and " you have to do things that you dont want to do"
I'm from belief in my parents and brother,
From massena, new york, a small town where you know everyone.
I'm from my mom's homemade chocolate chip cookies,
so good you would die for another one,
so good that you don't need milk to eat them with,
So good that life can't be any sweeter.

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