My Song | Teen Ink

My Song

April 29, 2008
By Anonymous

muscles working
pressure building
the slap of my feet against the dusty floor
my arms whirling
a smile set upon my face
I leap into the air

soaring into one beautiful moment
legs outstretched
arms curved gracefully
body of clay
molded into perfect form
time seems to halt
as I hang in mid-air
for one beautiful moment

then a free fall

the wind claws at my hair
tugging it out of its holder
a gracefully frantic free fall
each muscle poised for impact
and I land
in a twisting motion
spiraling as I land
in grace

a change in the music
a change in the dance

a whirlwind of limbs
as I chasse across the floor
my smile widens
my world expands its horizons
my body creates music
the music of the body
the physical music, the song of the soul
sang in pirouettes


and pointed toes
my dance
my story
my song

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