You Hurt Me First But I Hurt You Worst | Teen Ink

You Hurt Me First But I Hurt You Worst

April 29, 2008
By Anonymous

When I said, ‘I Love You’
That’s something I meant,
When I said ‘I miss you’
that’s something wanted to change
When I hurt you
That was my biggest mistake
Our futures plans had faded,
Your love for me dissolved in your emotions
Everything we had, disappeared
Into the past
Still, my love for you,
I wish to cast
I admitted my mistake
And told you partial truth
I now, after hearing the whole truth,
It hurt you even more
I apologized and its when,
You no longer had feeling for me ,
Felt that talking to me, wasted your life
How can I do that to you
I hate myself for that,
And I knew, I messed up something great
Is there anyway to get it back
The feeling of being wanted by you?
The feeling that you love me
That you would do all you can,
Because you care for me,
Hear your promise that you’d be there for me
I told you, long ago
That I would always love you,
No matter, what we had to go through
I wrote you a letter,
You took that to heart
Now, I write this
From the bottom of my heart
I understand your hurt, your pain,
Now all I can say,
Using words with sincerity,
And asking for your clarity of words
Asking do you really think we were a mistake
I didn’t think so
I still think we’re great
We were almost a perfect couple
The love we had so strong
My feeling for you still the same after our 3month
Everything started to tumble down,
The sounds of life, no longer a humble sound
The grief I now feel,
Of a life no longer known
Is strong, holding my pain in
My body used to be numb
From knowing of the girl you were with
You hurt me first,
But I hurt you worst
Now your body maintains no feeling,
You’ve grown numb
You’re mind racing with thoughts of me
I know that can’t be good,
That they are thoughts of hatred
You never want to talk or see me again,
But then again you do .

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